Retrospection and Starting the Year Right

How did you begin your year?

Since 2008 my family would make it a point to make the right transition to the New Year believing that the last and the first things we do would determine what the new year was going to become.

If I would stick to that belief that the first things I do for the year would determine what the next 365 days would be, then I'm in for trouble because I entered 2015 with a very bad cold. And of all the illnesses I've had so far, a common cold is what I hate the most. I dread the thought that I would have would be falling ill many times this year.

We also missed our regular New Year's Eve devotionals and sharing of faith goals because we just became "busy". Does that mean we were going to have a busy 2015? Ever since we moved to Davao I have declared that I was allergic to unnecessary stress. Which is why I have vowed to plan and implement effectively, managing my time well so that I will only deal with the necessary stress and again reject the unnecessary ones.

My 2015 started all wrong if I would gauge it against my personal beliefs and traditions. But I am so grateful that new years also mean new chances and new beginnings. And every new day is an opportunity for me to change. The transition from 2014-2015 may not be what I hoped it would be but it doesn't stop me from starting the year right.

2014 Was All About Letting Go

 The Lord knows I have so many, many, many hang ups in life. (Don't we all?) That it took many years for Him to process me so I could move forward and just let go of the sad, angry, bothersome load that have made me bitter about everything and everyone else. Because He knew it takes a major change for me to move forward, He made 2014 a year of closure not just for me but for several special people in my life. And as a milestone for this closure was my family's exodus from Iloilo to Davao.

In 2014 we also let go of a very important person, a pillar in my husband's family: Tatay Philip. It was a special passing for him because everyone was well prepared and ready to let him go. He will be sorely missed but he is in a much better position in the after- (earthly) life than he could ever be in this world.

2015 Coming Back to the Heart of Worship

One of the opportunities the Lord presented for me to be able to start my year right was to participate in the annual corporate Prayer and Fasting of Victory. This is an event that I looked forward to doing this year for the following reasons:

  1. I have a fear of starting a fast because I might not be able to finish it successfully.
  2. It will be an opportunity to redeem the "unsuccessful" transition that I wanted to have from 2014-2015.
  3. I am more relaxed and I am able to pace myself better because I now work at home. I am also more in command of my schedule so I can actually spend more time listening and praying.
  4. I am eager to hear what God's plans are for us here in Davao City.
I enjoy my personal meditation and quiet time. For many years of struggling, facing challenges, depression and even life threatening situations my source of strength and direction were the words I receive through the Scripture, the impressions and the visions I have during my personal altar time. 

This year's Prayer and Fasting Theme is "Honor God." The title itself already stirs a conviction that I have become too self-centered, pursuing so many things and endeavors in my life because I wanted to succeed. I have become afraid of failing, of becoming poor (reminiscent of the time when I was pregnant with Rapha and we didn't have enough money for the next meal), of uncertainty, of being criticized, of becoming less than I could become because I was an intelligent and talented woman... It was all about me. Where was God in all that?

To start the year right, there is nothing else I need to do but to go back to the HEART of WORSHIP, the Lord Jesus Christ, and to HONOR GOD. These are tall heavenly orders. But God doesn't give us anything that we can't handle. I can do this and you can do this. 

Success begins with Honoring God. A well-managed life is a God-governed, Christ-Centered Life.

A blessed 2015 to all!



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