I Have Found Her

What I like about life is that you are able to reboot again and again and again. It's all about second chances and rediscovering yourself.

It has been a cool Sunday afternoon. A contrast to the usual Sundays that I have been having in the past. The wind was whistling through the trees. The cool breeze rushing through the windows.

There was a power interruption so watching TV was not an option. I also received new developments in my work so I decided to spend the time to do some realignments and introspection.

I told myself, "Why don't you start writing about rediscovering yourself." It was not meant to be a blog entry. Rather an exercise of looking within and evaluating my journey.

My freewriting was entitled "Finding Myself." For those who are curious as to what this entry is all about, don't worry there was nothing much there except an enumeration of my achievements and experiences in the last 20 years from the day I enrolled in college to the present. Boring, self-centered stuff.

What I want you to know is that in the middle of writing, I stopped and I realized that I have been going around in circles trying to discover myself that I have forgotten to look inside. I have always been going back to the past, pining over the what might have beens instead of looking at what I have become and what could be.

My outlook had been very negative. Backward. Pessimistic. Angry. Frustrated. All these heavy and negative emotions prevented me from seeing a beautiful, talented, and blessed woman that God has made me to be.

I realized I have been giving Him and my family only my 2nd best because I was out there looking for a different Shey - the aspiring musician and filmmaker. I was all that... but my experience in the last 10 years molded me to become someone better:

A child of God

A wife

A mother

An entrepreneur.

These are new dimensions that I have discovered about myself. A noble, ingenious woman described in Prov. 31. Indeed my experience both joyful and painful have molded me to become a woman of substance.

And so my journey of finding myself has ended. Another journey of exploring this new person, filled with confidence, new dreams and aspirations has began and it is my joy to share this experience with you.


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