
A Very Pensive Christmas Eve

It's a quiet Christmas in the Velasquez home. The parties we attended to were less than 10, we are far from our extended family so there were no scheduled visits and reunions. For a busy person like me it is a big relief. Being able to spend time blogging and leave the men to the cooking is already a treat for me. 2 days of respite is enough to fuel me for the homestretch this year. I've been resisting the temptation to work. Instead, I'd like to reflect on the past year and in order to do that I have to go as far back as 2017. 2017 was a turbulent year for us. My husband and I went through so many challenges in the family, careers, and health. The theme for that year was BROKE... no that's not a grammatical error. G resigned from his job that year. We had everything planned out. What we haven't foreseen were the gravity of the issues that we were going to face. Due to many bad decisions our savings dwindled, I accepted a fulltime job that I wasn'

I Have Found Her

What I like about life is that you are able to reboot again and again and again. It's all about second chances and rediscovering yourself. It has been a cool Sunday afternoon. A contrast to the usual Sundays that I have been having in the past. The wind was whistling through the trees. The cool breeze rushing through the windows. There was a power interruption so watching TV was not an option. I also received new developments in my work so I decided to spend the time to do some realignments and introspection. I told myself, "Why don't you start writing about rediscovering yourself." It was not meant to be a blog entry. Rather an exercise of looking within and evaluating my journey. My freewriting was entitled "Finding Myself." For those who are curious as to what this entry is all about, don't worry there was nothing much there except an enumeration of my achievements and experiences in the last 20 years from the day I enrolled in college to the

What To do When You are Stressed

I believe David wrote the Psalms at the most stressful moments of his life as a king. He had a daily rendezvous with death. He hid in caves. He saw carnage. His own flesh and blood betrayed him. His wives were captured. He committed adultery and murder at a moment of weakness and we can only assume that it was due to stress. Yet through all this he was called the man after God's own heart. Here are my insights that I'd like to share about stress management: Wisdom #1 When stressed Sleep. Allow God's healing to flow. When we are asleep it gives him time to work because we're not getting in the way. Psalm 3:5-6 I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me from every side.  Wisdom #2 When stressed Lie Down. Stress makes us angry, frustrated, impatient. Go to bed lie down on your back. It relieves pressure from your head and rest of the body. Lying down allows you to look up to

How to Secure Your NBI Clearance in Davao City

Securing an NBI Clearance have always been met with anxiety especially when you hear stories of long lines, irate government service providers, delays, heat, and all the other accounts that would just make wish you don't have to go through it. I applied for my NBI clearance recently and it took me about a whole day. Not because the system was inefficient but because I didn't do my research ahead of time and didn't do things that I should've. Read on for tips to help secure your NBI Clearance easily. 1. Go online and fill up the application form. ( ) Provide the information required from you. Make sure that you check that the data you are giving is correct (spellings, date of birth, address, names etc). While it is supposedly mandatory to provide proof of identification such as passport, birth certificate and the like, these are not checked upon application.  In my experience, the officer didn't even make me check if the info

Retrospection and Starting the Year Right

How did you begin your year?

Believing for Greater Things to Come in 2015

For 2015 I have 4 goals: 1. To have a God-governed and Christ Centered Life 2. To be Fabulous and Devoted Wife to my Husband. 3. To be an Amazing Mom to my Children 4. To pass the 2015 Board Exams Cheers to a God-Favored 2015!

Practical Stress Management Tips

I know that stress is creeping back into my life. This is the first time I contracted a flu after 3 months of being in our new apartment. My 2nd one in Davao. I don't understand why I keep tabs on these things but I do. That's just me I guess. When we arrived in Davao I conditioned my mind that I wasn't going to take on a job and just concentrate on family, especially Rapha who is still struggling with his reading. But things took a turn when I started taking Real Estate Classes, accepted an online job and now started selling real properties just to start practicing this new career that I was going to have. On the side I started designing again and I have this strange feeling that I'm going back to production any time soon.  Now all these things (sweeping my hand to emphasize my point) are giving me the (unnecessary) stress that I had avoided in the last months because I thoroughly enjoyed the rest. But I have to think forward and I have to earn for the family a